Thursday, November 25, 2010


Ok walaupun Hani dah ngantuk, tapi dapat idea nk menulis setelah membaca status Hanan di FB nya. Hanan ckp "do not judge the future by the past"

Betul kata2 Hanan tu.. Baru Hani terperasan yang manusia memang suka judge Future by the past.
Tak percaya?? Look some example here ok:

Andai kata ada banduan yang baru keluar dari penjara dan dia dah betul2 insaf dan ingin memulakan hidup baru. Persoalan di sini, berapa ramai yang sangup menolong??
Lebih banyak yang menghina dari menolong.
Sebab apa??
Sebab they judge the "bekas banduan" future based on their past.
" Hmm...banduan...tah betul insaf tah tidak tu...tah betul nak berubah tah tidak tu."
Hello!! kalau orang tu betul2 insaf sapa yg dapat dosa.
Tu lah suka sgt bg orang pahala free..;D

Past is past and it is over.
Future is future that we can't predict it.
Present is present that we must live in it.

Don't judge the Future by the Past and wasted the Present.

Here some poem that give me inspiration:

Do not look back
and grieve over the past
for it is gone.

Do not be trouble
about the future
for it has yet to come.

Live in the present
and make it so beautiful
that it will be worth

Note: Tegurlah jikalau ada kesalahan, terutama dalam BI.Saya sedar BI saya lemah...huahahahaha...

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