Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Start From Today...

Daripada apa yang berlaku. Sesudah sesi sedih-sediahan dah muhasabah diri sendiri, aku sedar bahawa aku perlu PERCAYA kepada diri sendiri. Aku perlu sedara bahawa aku BOLEH. Before this I keep thinking that "I can't do it". But after this I must always think I CAN DO IT!

Hani please percaya pada diri sendiri. Jangan menyerah kalah sebelum bermulanya peperangan. One incident happen to me this morning that make me realize that I can do it and make me happy from my sadness. My English lecturer ask me. "Hani what topic you do for your term paper?" and I answer her question. Then she keep thinking and ask the class who doing topic related to newspaper..and nobody answer. Then she ask me again about my topic. and I answer her again. Then she said my term paper is good. I still can't believe it that is my term paper. (note: of course it contains a lot of grammatical error:D). Till now I still keep thinking maybe she just said it to a wrong person. Maybe it is not me. Maybe she just remember my name but the term paper its not mine because she can't remember the topic..okey2.. I still can't believe its my term paper until I see my mark..But I still hope that is my paper. If not, its okey for me..

By the way, she make my day happy and dia kembalikan balik semangat aku yang telah hilang sebentar semalam. Semalam sahaja okey!! Hari ini no more.. Mungkin ini pengajaran untuk aku supaya tabah menghadapi hari2 yang akan datang. and yang penting pengajaran untuk aku supaya lebih PERCAYA akan diri sendiri.

Umi selalu pesan, "Hani kena YAKIN pada diri sendiri." okey..its my mistake why my mid term like hmmmm...huk3...because aku tak percaya pada diri sendiri.. sebab aku keep thinking the question was difficult.. haaa...dpt kertas soalan then tengok soalannya> aku tahu jawapan ni...tapi forgot already the answers.. sebabnya... siapa suruh dari awal keep telling yourself that the questions are difficult...kan dah blank/blur dalam exam..

So, pengajaran for me> for this final and start from today, YOU must believe on yourself ..HANI YOU CAN DO IT OKEY!!

UMI AYAH> please pray for me...

HANI BOLEH...HANI KAN KUAT!! (hopefully I'm strong)

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